Circle of Love

The Circle of Love is the Catholic Daughter's 7-point program that is bound in love. The seven points are:
Youth, Education, Family, Leadership, Legislation, Quality of Life, and Spiritual Enhancement.
Each of the seven points indicates a need of the Church and community that is best served by the Catholic Daughters. By participating in these points and using our talents, we are being "Jesus' hands and feet."
Our local court selects portions of these sections to participate in as described in each section below. For more information about the Circle of Love, click here to visit the National website.

Education is the drawing out of a person's talent and a putting in of knowledge. The education point gives our members opportunities to advance themselves in their own educational process as well as to educate our youth. It also gives our youth ways to share their God-given talents.
Education Contest: Vacant, Chairwoman
Each year we sponsor the education contest at the local level. We are proud to have had entries from our court go on to win State and National.

Family are those who share values, beliefs, traditions, experiences, activities, and unconditional love. A true family provides its members with emotional and spiritual kinship as well as considering themselves family. The family point strengthens family relations by interacting with one another in service and work of the family community by encouraging families to work, play, and pray together.
1st Way Pregnancy Center: Pat Halvorsen, Chairwoman
For 1st Way, our members gather baby items and make layette baskets for new mothers.

Leadership is helping others to decide on goals and work towards those goals. The leadership point gives members the opportunity to learn the skills and techniques of leadership and to implement their talents as future leaders.
Membership Committee: Rosy Makyadath, Chairwoman
This group handles the recruitment of new members.
Refreshment Committee: Jane Myrand & Pat Halvorsen, Chairwomen
Organizes and provides all of the wonderful refreshments at our meetings and takes care of setup and clean-up.

The Legislation point refers to our participation in the laws of our society and country. The legislation point is the Catholic Daughters obligation to become better informed on public issues, addressing the morals and the human dimension while supporting church teaching on human life, human rights, justice, and peace.
The Catholic Daughters of the Americas do not endorse candidates or any political party.
Operation Morning Star is an issue-oriented legislative program that encourages Catholic women to speak out and become active in legislative issues at the local, state and national levels. For more information, see the Oregon CDA site here.
Quality of Life

Quality of life is another way to say social awareness. The quality of life point calls us to reach out with compassion and support to the needs of all people. We are to be helping hands where there is pain, poverty, sorrow, and sickness.
Human Trafficking: Lynda Atto, Chairwoman
Take a stand against Sexual Exploitation - Human Trafficking Vigil: The monthly vigil is held on the first Sunday of the month from 1:30-2:00 p.m. The vigil is held on Gateway Street in Springfield near the main entrance to the Gateway Mall just south of the LTD transit station. Signs are provided and all are welcome.
Health and Wellness: Vacant
Health and Wellness provides tips and tricks to lead a healthy lifestyle.
Spiritual Enhancement

Spiritual Enhancement is about nourishing and developing a personal relationship with God. Out of the developing relationship comes the realization of God's love and abundant mercy. The Spiritual Enhancement point provides opportunities for members to spend time with God.
Kathleen O’Connell, Spiritual Chairwoman
Spiritual Committee: Leads the prayers at our meetings.
Adopt-A-Seminarian: Oguilvia Skelton & Kathleen O’Connell, Chairwomen
We adopt some of the local seminarians in the Archdiocese, and we send them money and cards and we pray for them. We also bring them goodies on Cookie Day, which is organized by our State Court twice a year during finals week.
Youth - JCDA

Youth are our future to ensure the continued growth of the Catholic Church and our organization! The Youth point nurtures personal and spiritual growth. It promotes service to others and to foster an awareness and appreciation of diversity through a variety of suggested activities and experiences. JCDA stands for Junior Catholic Daughters of the Americas.
Miriam Cersovski, Youth Chairwoman
For more information see the JCDA page at our National site here.