Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court Oregon #118

Our Court was established in 1909. We were the first Court in Oregon and also in the western half of the United States. Our dedication to Church and country has evolved through the years to encompass local, state, national and global concerns.
By means of membership in our Court, an individual can reasonably make a difference in today's world, friends can be made, and personal growth achieved. Court Oregon #118 provides an effective means through which we can serve our brothers and sisters while serving God, Church and country. Contact our current Regent, Lisa Hurlimann, for more information on how to join.
There is no “I” in Court -- only “our.” If you have ideas that you think may lead our Court in a positive direction, please reach out to our current Regent. It is through ideas shared that make our Court great!

Court Officers
Brenda Maddux
Preside at all meetings
Prepare agenda for all meetings
Countersign all Local Court checks
Represent the Court at meetings of the State Court. If possible attend State Convention & Conference
Follow Roberts Rules (Note: our Court has the State Parliamentarian as a member)
Ensure Financial Reviews are completed every 6 months (schedule meeting with District Deputy)
Enforce Local Standing Rules
Sign all correspondence of the Local Court unless authority is designated to the Recording Secretary
Work with Newsletter Editor, ensuring all necessary information is covered
Appoint Circle of Love Chair and Special Committee Chairs

Vice Regent
Assist Regent when requested
Standing Rules Committee Chair
Read Correspondence from State and National at Court meetings
Oguilvia Skelton

Recording Secretary
Keep accurate minutes of all meetings
Present list of all bills to be paid to Court Treasurer
Conduct correspondence of Local Court, except as specified under the duties of the Financial Secretary
Lynda Atto

Financial Secretary
Receive all monies for the court
Issue receipts, post receipts in cash book, and post receipts on membership cards
Count money with Treasurer and issue receipts
Report changes in membership by sending application, renewal and forms to State and National
Place orders for supplies
Lynda Atto


Judy Spearin
Receive all monies from Financial Secretary only and give receipt to Financial Secretary
Pay all bills with approval of Court
Present a Treasurer’s Report at the regular meeting
Make bank deposits
Balance check book
Record all transaction in ledger
Serve on the Budget Committee
Court Chaplain

Rev. Ron Nelson
Information about National and State Catholic Daughters of the Americas and the Junior Catholic Daughters of the Americas came from their websites. Regent Julia Kelso provided information about CDA Court Oregon #118.