Past Events & Photo Gallery
Bread Baking for the April Bake Sale at St Mary's
National Education Contest

The deadline to enter the 2022 National Education Contest has passed. Please stay tuned for results! The two themes this year:
”With God All Things Are Possible” Mt. 19:26, or
Where is God in my life when I am struggling?
The categories:
Art, Essay, Poetry, Computer Art, Music, and Photography
Scroll down to see the winning entries by Jack Brotherton and Morgan Yasenchak for 2020: "Living in harmony with others."
2021, 2020
2021 CDA Sunday
A sampling of Officers, and a handful of Members...

Officers, L to R top row: Tess Cersovski, OR State Regent; Fr Ron Nelson, Court Chaplain; Julia Kelso, Past Regent. Bottom row: Susan Freeman, Rec. Secretary; Kathleen O'Connell, Treasurer; Lisa Hurlimann, Regent.
2020 - 2021 National Education Contest - our Local & State Winners

State winner Morgan Yasenchak, grade 5
Living in Harmony with Others
By Jack Brotherton, grade 7,
1st Place Local and 3rd Place State Winner of the
2020-21 National CDA Education Contest
Even though sometimes it can seem hard, living in harmony with others is easier than you think. One easy way to live in harmony with others is by giving back to people in the community. For example, seek out opportunities to volunteer in community-wide events to help those that are less fortunate. Clothing drives and canned food collection drives are two easy ways to participate in community-wide events.
Also another easy way to live in harmony is by addressing the disharmony that may exist in your life. For example, with all the technology that exists today, it can be really hard to feel connected with other people. Feeling disconnected can make differences in opinion and conflict around the world seem like problems that can never be solved.
Start by taking steps to actively build relationships with your family and friends, this will get you off to a good start. You can hang out with your friends and spend quality time with your family to make your connections with these people stronger. Build on this good start by attending group events and actively try to build new relations and connections with people in the community.
To live in harmony you should ignore the negative things that are going on in the world and focus on the positive things in your life. For some people, this means not watching the news because they find it depressing. For other people, it means avoiding certain topics with friends and family, such as politics or religion, if those topics cause friction. But living in harmony with other does not mean that everyone has to always get along. If you have a disagreement, solve it by talking it out instead of using violence. Actively discourage violence and support other solutions.
Living in harmony with others may mean that you need to try new activities that take you out of your comfort zone. Avoid doing things that are a waste of time and isolate you from other people, like playing video games or watching TV. Instead, spend that time volunteering at a soup kitchen or attending church. Another easy way to live in harmony with others is to manage your money and give some of it to charitable organizations.
Living in harmony with others requires everyone to be open with people that they are close with and try to express feelings, instead of hiding them. Make sure to be a good listener and pay attention if someone is hurting inside.
These are just some of the many ways to live in harmony with others, some you may already do without thinking, others may require you to be more mindful of your actions. Whether it is second nature or takes effort, taking steps to living in harmony with others is worth your attention.
Jack Brotherton, Grade 7
2020 Our Day of Recollection and Rosary Rally
Our Day of Recollection and Rosary Rally was so very beautiful. Even though our group was small, our prayers were heard by God and all of the Saints and Angels in Heaven above! Thank you for being there!

Joint Installation of Officers 2020-2022
For the first time, CDA Court Oregon #118 and Knights of Columbus Council 1430 held joint officer installation ceremonies, following the 8:00 am Saturday morning Mass on August 29, 2020.
Front row: Treasurer Kathleen O’Connell, Vice Regent Corrine Clifford, Regent Lisa Hurlimann, Rec. Sec. Susan Freeman, and Fin. Sec. Judy Spearin. Back row: Grand Knight Chris Hainley, Court Chaplain Rev. Ron Nelson, OR State Regent Tess Cersovski and Sir Knight Arnie Meyer.
Congratulations! the Catholic Daughters and Knights of Columbus! Much gratitude for giving of your time and talents!

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