Our Court Projects
Our court sponsors a variety of service projects, including those described below. To support our projects, we hold a variety of fundraisers and bake sales throughout the year.
Adopt-A-Seminarian Program

Individual Seminarians studying at Mt. Angel Seminary, as well as women studying at various houses in Oregon, are assigned to local Catholic Daughters’ Courts. Each Court is asked to pray for and support their assigned Seminarians and/or Sisters throughout the year. In addition to prayers and letters of encouragement, the Court may send items to the individuals. The Seminarians also appreciate receiving mail from us. Send your words of encouragement or a special prayer request!
Our Court is also involved in the annual Seminarian Benefit Dinner and the May 1st Seminarian Cookie Day, when our Court members travel to Mt. Angel to have lunch with our seminarians and a tour of the Seminary. We also send gifts of money to help our Seminarians with their cost of tuition, books, dorm life, health care, and other basic needs.
Our 5 Seminarians
Five seminarians have been assigned to our Court. Most of the seminarians are enrolled at Mt. Angel Seminary to study to become priests. They come from various places around the country.
Court Oregon #118 Adopted Seminarians for 2023-2024
Marcus Alvarado Trasmonte Portland Mt. Angel Seminary Theology I
Beto Montes Contreras Mt. Angel Seminary Theology I
Elliot Yaryk Sifuentes Fresno Mt. Angel Seminary Theology II
Thomas Andrews Mt. Angel Seminary College III
Jacob Thomas Means Mt. Angel Seminary Propaedeutic
Gerardo Perez Roblero Mt. Angel Seminary Propaeduetic
Send mail to the above Seminarians to: Mt. Angel Seminary, 1 Abbey Drive, St. Benedict, OR 97373
Education Contest

Every year members of our court go to O'Hara Catholic School and hand out Education Contest awards at the school assembly. Past Regent Julia Kelso is shown with the group of students who received their awards.
Congratulations to contest and scholarship award winners! We have winners in the Local and State levels! Each year we sponsor an Education Contest at the Local level. We are proud to have had entries from our Court go on to win in State and National contests.
Click here to view/download the PDF showing who won in the 2021-2022 Education contest!
See Our Circle of Love page for more information about the Education Contest.
Carmelite Sisters - at The Carmel of Maria Regina

Our Court helps support the Carmelite nuns who reside in Eugene. We contribute items to assist them, such as office and paper supplies. Many members attend the Carmelite Calendar Party that raises funds to help support the nuns.
If your budget allows and you would like to make a donation to the Carmelites, any help is greatly appreciated. Donations of cash or gift cards to Winco are always needed. Their mailing address is:
The Carmel of Maria Regina
87609 Green Hill Road
Eugene, Oregon 97402
1st Way Pregnancy Resource Center

Court members donate baby items to put into layettes, which are donated to 1st Way. 1st Way is completely staffed by volunteers and relies on donations. See their website for more information.