State Projects & Charities

In addition to the work done on the local level by our courts, Catholic Daughters of the Americas supports these nine State Projects and three State Charities. Through combined giving, each court and member gets an opportunity to help support these worthwhile programs.
For more detailed information about State Projects and State Charities, please go to: or
State Projects
Seminarian Fund
This state project was adopted in 1941 to assist in the cost of the education of our priests and future priests. Donations to this fund should be marked with the designation of where the Court wishes the monies to be deposited. There are three separate formation programs in Oregon:

The Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon

Mount Angel Abbey Monastery

Diocese of Baker
State Charities
Father Taaffe Foundation
Magdalene Home
Msgr. Murnane JCDA Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded annually to a high school graduating senior who is a JCDA member, to assist her in future studies. This scholarship is funded through donations by Catholic Daughter Courts and its members. Msgr. Edmund J. Murnane served as a Catholic Daughter State Chaplain from 1939-1978.
Junior Catholic Daughters

Junior Catholic Daughters of the Americas (JCDA), our youth program for girls 6 through 18 (Juniorettes 6–10 and Juniors 11–18), was founded in 1925. JCDA activities promote Christian values, accepting the Christian message and acting on it, and build lifelong friendships.
Department of Veterans’ Affairs
(1) Oregon Veterans’ Home The Dalles
(2) Edward Allworth Veterans’ Home Lebanon
Contact: (1) (for The Dalles)
(2) (for Lebanon)
The first Oregon Veterans’ Home opened in the fall of 1997, the Oregon Veterans´ Home is a
151-bed long-term care facility that provides skilled nursing, Alzheimer, and other dementia, and inpatient and outpatient rehabilitative care to veterans, their spouses, and parents all of whose children died while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. Oregon Veterans’ Home is located in the historic Columbia Gorge community of The Dalles. One of the many things that truly sets the Oregon Veterans’ Home apart from other care communities is its residents. Like you, they have served their country in times of war and in times of peace. Also, having lived full lives, they have many memories and stories to share.
The second Oregon Veterans’ Home opened in 2014 in Lebanon. The Edward C. Allworth
Veterans' Home has a true neighborhood feel.
The Grotto
Striving to provide a welcoming presence and a beautiful environment conducive to peace, quiet, and spiritual inspiration. The Grotto offers understanding, compassion, support and hope through a variety of ministries including counseling, education, spiritual direction and liturgical celebrations. The Grotto endeavors to serve all people.